
listen.... can we talk?

 (all photos on here are mine.)
(also all photos were taken back in like april or march or something. idk so just go with it.)
so last night while randomly staring at a ceiling at two in the morning i sorta felt the need to look at this blog and read comments. i read every single word in all four comments you guys left me and i started crying.

 each and every one of you guys, whether you've been on here for fifteen seconds or have been viewing this blog since the beginning of time, have made a really big impact on me. you guys are literally the most sweetest things ever.

i also started thinking about everything that's gone on here. all the things i've accomplished, all the things i've fucked up, all the breaks i took, and how much i've grown and changed from november 2015 to now. honestly everything that's happened has affected me in more good ways than bad, even if my life seems like some shit-filled nightmare, and i think i should stay here. not only in the blogging world, but in the irl world too.

so yes, i'm not dead and i'm back.

i still have scars on my arms from cutting myself, but those will go away, right?


honestly this is the best post i've done so far, eh? idk.

anyway, i'm sorta in a posting slump (ugh yay for me. *rolls eyes*) so post suggestions would be appreciated (just nothing that involves me giving out too much info, please. i don't want you to just casually stalk me haha.).



  1. *tackles you in hug* *cries tears of joy* DUDE YOU DECIDED NOT TO KILL YOURSELF HALLELUJAH. (and you're not dead too.) IT'S A FREAKING MIRACLE.

    Look Grace, honestly I don't know what I would really do without you. You've given me all those nice blog comments (which I'm still surprised you comment lol.) and you're my only friend so idk what would happen if you killed yourself.



  3. Yay! Your back! And not dead! Yay!
