
{i don't belong here}

 no lyrics today, i want to talk to you guys about.... everything. i'm going to come clean and say all this. it's been on my chest for a while and i need to get it off, so any comments involving hate will be deleted. thanks.

i don't think i'm fit for the blogging world. 

look, everyone, it hasn't even been a year in my blogging journey and i already feel like quitting.... again. 

life has been getting.... really hard for me. i keep trying to end my life in any type of way i can and i don't know why.

my leukemia seems to be getting worse every single day and i don't know what to do.

it's stressful, okay? living a life where i want to kill myself every day.

i don't even exist in the blogging world. i only have five-- FIVE-- followers and it's almost been a year. i don't think i'm the right type for here.

so i think i'm ending this blogging journey.

i really want to thank you all for being there to comment when i really needed it most and giving up your time to talk to me.

so for now, i think this is it. 

my last post. 

i know you're probably like, "NOOO GRACE DON'T GO." but it's for my own good, guys.

i may still be active on my instagram (if i can find a way to post photos on there from my laptop.0 so you can head on over and follow me @mggibson21 

thank you and goodbye.

*drops mic*



  1. Grace,

    I know life can be a piece of shit, but don't kill yourself. please don't. You've got through every piece of bullshit life has thrown your way, don't give up on your life now. You're a brave, amazing girl and that's what I really admire about you, even I can't do that and I'm older than you. So no, don't kill yourself. Please don't, I'm begging you. I know if you do everyone is going to be devastated that you took your own life just because of depression. If anything-- ANYTHING-- wants to make you feel like you need to kill yourself, tell me or anyone, we'll always be there for you.

    xoxo Izzy

  2. Hey Grace! I totally get why you might want to quit blogging. I think you are super super super amazing girl though and that you shouldn't try to end your life. I would be sad. I promise you things will get better. If you ever want to talk or just have a new friend I totally recommend you contacting me. Stay awesome!

  3. so i know we don't really talk much between our two blogs, but you've always been such a lovely person to interact with, and i just really wanted to say this.

    when i was five, i went through what you're going through. i was diagnosed with leukemia. it's not something i tend to talk about on my blog, or even in real life because i try not to think about it, but it happened, and it's a part of me. i was lucky enough to have it happen to me at a young age, so truthfully, i don't remember a ton.
    i can't even dare to imagine how shitty you feel. but please, god, do not take your life, love. there's so many things you haven't seen and done. i know life really freaking sucks right now. but there's so many beautiful things on this planet for you to see. there's music you haven't heard, things you haven't read, places you haven't been. you have so much potential, and you're such a bright, lovely young girl, and i would just positively hate it to know that you took your own life. life can be so fantastic, and gorgeous. you deserve to be here to see it.
    if you ever, EVER, need to talk, my inbox is always open (
    it gets better, dear. it really does.
    xx a

  4. i already addressed this in the reply to your email you sent me but i'll say it again.

    grace, you are so, so brave. life has thrown you in the deep end, and i know it may seem like ending your life is the only solution but believe me, it isn't. not one bit. you are a strong, beautiful, and very loved girl that deserves a great life, or at least a shot at one. you know you can come to me if you need to talk, and please promise me that you'll tell someone when you're feeling suicidal/as if you're going to attempt it. i have my phone on me almost all day so you can even email me if that's what you feel comfortable with. remember the number i sent you, too, as they are people who genuinely care about you and your life, just like all of us here.

    don't lose your fight, kid. <3
